Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 8: Guns & Dog Bites

Hey Fam. Ya'll are beautiful and I miss you.

This week we knocked on the door of a man holding a rifle while he asked us, "Who's there?!" So, it wasn't exactly having "a gun pulled on me," but ... it was the most Jason Bourne moment of my mission so far. Also, Elder Jervoso got bit by a dog this week.

I don't have any real good stories this week. (Unless you count the dog bite. Which I do.) We had two exchanges and both went well. We have two more this week. Being the district leader, Elder Jervoso does a good number of exchanges with the missionaries in our district. I'm always glad to meet other missionaries and see their areas and how they work. I learn something from each one of them. I'm also glad to get back together with Elder Jervoso. And not just because he makes me pork menudo.

We went bowling as a district on our prep-day. It was lots of fun. There are many different personalities in the district - but bowling really unites the masses, you know? No? Well, it does in chilly northern Washington in March.

The Missionary department released a video this week of Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Nielson talking about missionaries being more "normal" or natural in their interactions with people. They had clips of good examples and bad examples, all staged of course. Some were reeeeeeally cringe-y, which I think was what they were trying to show, so I guess that means they did a good job producing them. Anyway after it was done I lead a short discussion on sincerity and how we can have more of it in our teaching.

The time sure does fly here. It feels like yesterday was Friday and the day before was last Sunday.

This next week we are taking a temple trip to Spokane and I'll be giving a talk in church on Sunday (foreshadowing).

Love and hugs.

Elder Craig

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am finding this blog after looking into family lineage. Was you related to Walter Craig of the civil war? It seems as in he had many children. He would have been my great-great Uncle we still have civil war pistol in our living family. I am 4 of the 5 Craig's my family knows that is living.

    Vive Ut Vivas
    Live so that you may live forever!

    Master-Raymond Timothy Craig II
