Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Week 11: Pseudo-Quarantine

 Quarantine Preppin'

Hello, everyone!

I'm sure you - and everyone else - is wondering what's happening in the mission, with so many missions quarantining and sending missionaries home. So here's all the information we have:

  • My companion and I call it "Pseudo-quarantine." We are suspending door-to-door tracting and street contacting. 
  • We are putting a big focus on working with members and online work. (If you see a sudden surge of Facebook posts from me, now you know why.)
  • About a dozen missionaries are unfortunately leaving our mission due to health concerns that put them at higher risk of COVID-19. (I say "unfortunately," but fortunately they are being kept safe.)
  • The mission is still open and the work continues to move forward. My heart goes out to all who return early or are reassigned on their missions. Unexpected turns of events are tough. 

Elder Williamson and I are teaching some new people this week, which is exciting. We're working on teaching over video calls and phone conversations. It's not what I expected when I started my mission but I'm so glad we have the technology to continue God's work!

This week was supposed to be Zone Conference and the mission temple trip, however, as you might imagine, those will not be happening.

I love this area and how secluded it is. The sunsets are beautiful and Elder Williamson and I have a favorite park we go to during out "fresh-air time" hour. (I say favorite park ... it's the only park for miles).

I sometimes feel like I have to take care of the rest of the world and it's craziness, but then I remember my sphere of influence is right here and this is what I proactively work on--Coulee Dam and Facebook.

With technology as advanced as it is and right at our fingertips, while we do face a big trial, we also have a mighty big opportunity. So take the opportunities when you see them!

Love and hugs!
Elder Craig

Connor found this photo on the ward's Facebook page, from years past. That Elder on the right? That's Elder Trent Peterson. He is now married to Katie's sister. About 8 years ago, Connor's uncle served in the same ward/area that Connor is serving in. It's the smallest of worlds. 

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