Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Week 6: Loving the Work

Elder Connor - and both of his grandpas, when they missionaries at the same age. 

Dear amazing, hilarious, creative, supportive, and talented family,

Yes Dad, it does feel like the weeks are flying by.

Thank you for praying for those people. Keep at it. Especially for the J---- family. They need all the prayers of strength and comfort they can get.

Driving is fun, especially with other elders. We listen to movie soundtracks and Enya. #enyaislyfe. We watch Church videos occasionally. Mostly the church's "inspirational messages," so we know ones we can share with others.

President Jackman is soft-spoken and gentle, and Sister Jackman is hilarious and energetic. They are great. The mission focus is "Find, Teach, and Baptize." And "Learn by the spirit, Plan by the spirit, Find by the spirit, Teach by the spirit, and work with members through the spirit." The mission motto right now is "Raise The Bar."

Dad, thanks for sharing those experiences about Grandpa with me. They really touched me. I'm praying to, as my setting apart said, know and understand and feel the presence of those guardians.

I heard about Sister Nau in the ward bulletin. Prayers to their family.

Sorry there weren't any real great stories this week, I hope you read the one last week with all the storytelling craft possible.

There isn't much to do for besides what you've been doing. Praying and emailing.

Life is good.

I love and miss you all.

Service, Love, and Truth
Elder Craig

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