Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Week 9: Canada & Spokane

Connor's area: Grand Coulee

This week is transfers! Elder Jervoso is getting transferred out and I'm getting a new companion and staying in Coulee Dam!

We had back-to-back exchanges this week with other Elders so we were out of Coulee for a few days! I got to see the northern most part of the mission and glanced at Canada!

Sing it with me: Oh, Canadaaaaa...

I also left the mission boundaries this week! Don't worry, it wasn't against the rules, we went to the Spokane Temple with some recent converts. The Spirit was very strong and peaceful there.

I had a wonderful, spiritual experience this week. There is a family we meet with regularly - the dad and children were baptized already and the mom is still searching. She said she "felt hesitant" about getting baptized. When I got bold and simply asked her if she felt the gospel was true, she said, "Oh, yes." I then shared Mosiah 18 and we talked about believing and being willing to make covenants to love the Lord and love others. The Spirit was there and it was a powerful moment.

I gave a talk in church yesterday. I spoke on Elder Uchtdorf's talk Your Great Adventure. My favorite part is when he says we don't have to live the Gospel perfectly, but that we should live it intentionally. I think that's where grace comes in. When the intentions lead to intentional actions. Then after all we can do, grace makes up the rest.

Love and hugs to you all,
~Elder Craig

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