Saturday, April 18, 2020

Week 14: Zoom Meetings & Conference

[Written on April 13]

Dear family,

Welp, we are week... three? I think? Into quarantine. We've been surviving though! We have many meetings on Zoom and calling people has never been more productive!

This week was the Worldwide Fast. What a turn out! I don't know how many people participated but there are 16 million members of the Church worldwide, and there were 300,000 on the April 10 Worldwide Fast Facebook page, so I think there were, how shall we say, many. As I fasted and prayed I felt honored to be part of something so much bigger than just myself.

Spring is just around the corner! The trees in front of our apartment are blossoming and we see tulips at the park. Also, there are insects and birds everywhere! My allergies haven't woken up yet either so, who knows, maybe they like Washington.

Easter was this week. What a day. I spent most of the day sending Easter videos to people - you know, those incredible videos the Church makes. On Friday we had a speaker on our mission-wide Zoom call and he gave a great talk about Easter Week. The thing that stood out to me the most about his talk was when he spoke of the disrespect Jesus was treated with just before the crucifixion. He was spit on and assaulted and all He said was, "Forgive them, Father." How incredible is that? With that perspective, it's easy to see that there is nothing we can do that our Savior cannot forgive us for.

Transfers are coming up soon, hopefully I'll stay in Coulee Dam, I love it here. We went for a gorgeous drive the other day to the best view in the area. This photo (see above) doesn't really capture what it's like in person, but what are you going to do?

This next week will be great. We're teaching great people and technology allows us to continue to do the work even with social distancing and such.

Love, hugs, and all that jazz. I'm still here, still working.
~Elder Craig

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