Friday, January 8, 2021

Week 52: The One Year Mark

Dearest Peoples,

Many greetings and apologies for not writing in a PHAT minute, but I'm here. 

I had three months with Elder Gibbons as my companion in Wenatchee, and we made lots of videos and projects, both with my artsy-fartsy skills and Elder Gibbons' amazing guitaring skills. We went on many adventures. 

My companion now is Elder Jones. He's reassigned from the Philippines and had been a missionary for about a year and a half. I'm still here in Wenatchee and this week is my one year mark of being in my mission!

It's unique to hit a year on my mission and New Years around the same time. It makes it easy to reflect on the past year because I've recorded it heavily and it's all been as a missionary. Some of the greatest lessons I've learned on my mission are to take things one day at a time, to use Christlike love as a lubricant for all situations, and that true friends can come from the unlikeliest of places. Regardless of the many struggles and difficulties I've had over this year, I can see the hand of the Lord in the midst of all of them as He uses them to shape me into who He wants me to be. I have super loved the first half of my mission and I know this next year is going to be just as amazing. 

Much love and prayers to you all.

Service, Love, and Truth

Elder Craig

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