Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Week 59: Moses Lake


Heeeeeeey family! 

Update time: I'm in my 13th month as a missionary, I'm in Moses Lake, and I'm loving it!

Moses Lake is great! Mostly because of the people -- the town itself, especially in the dead of winter, is a bit dead. No matter, I still love it. And they're building a temple here! My favorite question to ask members during our visits is what their reaction was when it was announced. Mostly gasps, screams, and tears. So much faith, so much love. 😄 

Covid-wise, ML isn't too bad. We're able to visit and teach in person as long as we wear a mask. I'm really happy about that because I crave human connection. 

We're quarantined for the next little bit because of another covid scare. I'm not too worried though. Should only be another couple days if a test comes back negative, which I'm sure it will. 🙄😁 

What a time to be a missionary. This is a pioneering time and its miraculous to not only see but to be in the trenches actually digging and moving things forward to. We're taking our Facebook page through some major renovations that should help grow its popularity. 

I got to speak in Sacrament meeting yesterday. They asked me to speak on Saturday, so yes -- that phenomenon of missionaries being asked to speak at the last minute does happen. For one day of prep, I thought it turned out well. (We all really only do one day of prep, don't we?) I spoke of the story of Elijah and the widow in 1Kings 17:8-16. This story illustrates an aspect of the Atonement and our relationship with the Savior. If we give our lives with an act of faith we are given eternal life in return. Parallel to how the woman gave her last meal (in effect, her life) in an act of faith (and trust in the word of the prophet), and was rewarded meal and oil until the famine (that Elijah caused by the way, much like how God gives us trials for our shaping and growth) was finished. This is what we do as missionaries too. We invite the members and investigators to act in faith and give their lives to Christ, and find the reward of their efforts. 

I hope you are all well.

Service, Love, and Truth

Elder Craig